Date: Feb 19 2021 by  Peter Adriaens 

Title:  How Data is Driving FEW Financial Innovation

Registration: HERE

Abstract: Public and privately financed infrastructure traditionally focuses on siloed and inflexible definitions of projects and their business models, costs and revenue streams.  This is why urine separation does not fit in the WWTP finance model. Data and smart systems such as the energy-food-water nexus open up opportunities for financial innovation. In part this is the result from data ‘leakage’ across energy, water, or agriculture project silos, and partly because data uncover hidden values that can be monetized using new business models. Data confers value from operational efficiencies, derivative services, and impact or intangible metrics. Data-driven financing is then based on an understanding of how financial network maps that connect water, energy and food change the operational model of a water, food or agricultural system.  Revenue and ESG value streams can be securitized and sold to debt or impact investors, insurance companies or retail investors to finance new smart projects, using blockchain and digital securities or otherwise.

Bio: Dr. Adriaens is Professor of Environmental Engineering, Finance and Entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan, with appointments in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ross School of Business and the School for Environment and Sustainability. He directs the Center and Master of Engineering program in Smart Infrastructure Finance, focused on efficient financing mechanisms for public and private infrastructure systems such as water, energy, waste, transportation and mobility.  The Center is a cofounder of the University’s FinTech Collaboratory with the FinTech Initiative in the Ross School of Business and the Center on Finance, Law and Policy in the Ford School for Public Policy. 

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